Geisha Beer
Sensory Artisan X Moonzen | Illustration, Packaging, Typography

"Sensory Artisan" and “Moonzen” jointly introduce the Geisha Coffee Beer Series. The key to brewing great coffee beer is the premium Geisha coffee beans from Hacienda La Esmeralda. Discovered in Geisha, Ethiopia, the complex, clean and sparkling Geisha impress coffee lovers with its intense character and respectable quality. With romantic connotation of the elegant Japanese hostesses, the rare and precious Geisha beans match perfectly with Sensory Zero’s brand identity. The bottle packaging incorporates Sensory Zero’s iconic strong waves and a Japanese Geisha, giving her tattoos of "God of Gates (門神)” to represent the brewery Moonzen. The beautiful back of Geisha tells an enthralling tale of beer meets coffee.
Cascara Cream Ale from the same series are brewed with Geisha cascara coffee husks, producing a unique taste of Ginseng and Chinese dates. Coffeephiles could savour the aroma of exotic spice markets. To highlight the strong and characteristic flavours of Cascara Cream Ale, the powerful and determined side of Geisha is depicted with a mix of masculine elements such as weapon and metal in the bottle design. Holding a sword firmly in hands creates unusual contrast to Geisha’s softness. The choice of red and yellow ribbons are Chinese-style ingredients to enrich the graphics.
「Sensory Zero」及「門神啤酒」攜手製作咖啡啤酒系列,釀製過程箇中奧秘,源自珍貴的Geisha咖啡豆。Geisha Coffee Beans(藝妓咖啡豆),其名來自衣索比亞的藝妓山,它風味複雜,口感明亮,為精品咖啡愛好者趨之若騖。
Geisha既為咖啡界瑰寶,名字帶日本風情,與Sensory Zero的品牌風格不謀而合。除了繼承Sensory Zero的代表性巨浪,啤酒包裝設計以「藝妓」插畫象徵瓶內豆香,背上「門神」紋身則代表啤酒品牌,以東洋倩影一訴啤酒咖啡相遇相知的故事。 其後推出的Cascara Cream Ale加配了咖啡果殼,釀出獨特的人參及中國棗味,啤酒滿載異國香料市場的香氣。為突顯其強烈鮮明的口味,瓶上藝妓一改婉約形象,雙手握劍展現硬朗姿態。黑背景配上劍刃及金屬牌營造陽剛感,紅黃絲帶則為畫面注入中華風。